Arithmetic is being able to count up to twenty without taking off your shoes.
Mickey Mouse
Mathematics: Impact, Implementation and Impact
At St. Mary’s CE Primary School, we understand the importance of Mathematics and the role it plays in so many areas of our lives. We know it is crucial for the children to develop the skills required for their future.
Our intention is to offer children a rich, broad and progressive curriculum which is inclusive to all. Through quality first planning and teaching we aim to make lessons fun and engaging maximising the development of every child’s mathematical ability.
We ensure we follow the national curriculum programmes of study, teaching children the key areas of:
So that our pupils will:
By the end of Key Stage 2 we intent for our children to ready for the nest stage in their mathematical journey at Secondary School. We also intend of them leaving with lifelong skills that they can apply to the outside world.
At St. Mary’s we ensure we deliver quality first teaching, using White Rose Maths as the core structure for our planning supplementing and enriching with various other resources. White Rose offers a clear programme of topics building on prior knowledge and with careful monitoring we ensure the progression continues throughout each year, knowing the children’s starting points and next steps. When implementing we use the CPA approach which ensures children are exposed to a range of different approaches.
The approach starts with concrete where the children are able to use physical resources to help them grasp the concept. This moves onto pictorial where the concrete resources are now represented as pictures and also where children learn to draw to help them solve the calculation/problem. Then this leads into abstract where children are now confident with the concept and can apply what they have learnt through the abstract form. This approach is tailored to the children’s needs and will be used to best suit each child.
We ensure consistency across the school in our approach. We develop children’s fluency in both mental and written forms, as well as giving children the chance to reason. We ensure we expose our children to a wide range of mathematical vocabulary and develop their ability to talk confidently about their mathematical learning.
We use a range of resources to plan lessons, with our main focus being White Rose Maths, but also implementing for example, Nrich, Classroom Secrets and the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics.
Children also have access to online platforms such as Times Tables Rockstars and Sumdog.
We monitor the children’s progress carefully through every strand of mathematics. We measure the impact of our teaching and the children’s learning through observations and discussion with the children, where they can talk enthusiastically and confidently about their mathematical learning. We monitor the work they produce and use formative assessment strategies to ensure impact. Our children develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly complex problems. They will leave St. Mary’s with the skills, knowledge and problem solving skills they will need for their future education and will have acquired lifelong skills.