The roots to grow, the wings to fly...
School motto
Dear Parents and Carers I am writing to you after the first full week 'back'. I hope everyone is well and adapting to life during lock down. For many, it's still a roller coaster with some days being better than others. Home schooling is not easy. And for many parents (including school staff) having to juggle working from home and home schooling, it's a challenge! We may be winning some days more than others. Thank you for your support during this time and for your developing teacher skills! Our teachers have been working hard to ensure that they are in contact with our children as much as possible during the week on Google classroom. This has, for the most part, worked well and I have had lots of positive feedback- thank you. I know that it would be lovely to have some 'live' lessons but we have been asked by SAST not to start these for a variety of safeguarding and lockdown reasons. Thank you for contacting class teachers with any issues you have had as I know they have been pleased to be able to help. There isn't a perfect system unfortunately. I have asked teachers to send me examples of any work children may be particularly proud of and I can publish it on the school website. Children are very welcome to send this directly to me at the school email address if they like. I know that some of our chiilden are anxious about why they are at home and worrying about next year which is understandable. Please continue to reassure them. We are in regular contact with the Gryphon staff and are already beginning to talk about what transition may look like for our year 6 but do course we have to wait and see what happens nationally. We have 13 new Reception pupils joining us in September and have written to those parents to welcome them and give them some information. Again, we need to follow Government advice with regards to transition. Headteachers are meeting together (virtually) at least four times a week to discuss current issues and problems and Steve Hillier (CEO) is having twice weekly meetings with Dorset Local Authority. We are fully up to date with any information and expectations from Dorset and the Department for Education and will let you know as soon as anything changes with regards to expectations in education. Please do contact me if you have any issues. I am either working from home or at school and emails are monitored during office hours. For our key worker parents - we are very, very grateful for all that you have been doing and will continue to do. Thank you very much - we are and will be clapping for you every Thursday. Kindest regards Emma