
...a secure Christian environment in which consideration and respect for self and others, can be fostered..

School aims


The roots to grow, the wings to fly...

School motto


...fostering a positive and responsible attitude in children towards their environment...

School aims


Your school is a gem.

Quote from Salisbury Diocese Advisor


...achieving the highest standards of which children are capable in all areas of academic and personal development...

School aims


Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to the new Spring term – I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and new year! The staff have spent a lot of time planning and preparing this term’s lessons and events which I hope the children will enjoy. If you have had any changes to your contact details, please let the office know. Please ensure your child has a warm coat in this colder weather as we do try to let the children have lots of fresh air whatever the weather.

All school led outdoor clubs will commence after half term when the weather is warmer and the evenings lighter. Premier Sports clubs commence next week (Monday – gym based with dance/movement skills KS2 and Thursday football KS1). All sessions are bookable online through Premier Sports. Individual teachers will inform you about other clubs in due course.


This term, Year 4 will begin the musicianship programme and will start learning the violin. Please ensure that the children always bring their instrument into school on a Tuesday.

The Sherborne Music leaders are planning a Primary Schools Concert for Year 3/4/5. This is being planned to take place on the last Thursday of this term: April 6th.  More details to follow.

I will be taking the choir to take part in the annual Youth Makes Music Concert on Thursday 9th March 2017 in the Quarr Hall, Gryphon School, Sherborne. The concert usually starts at 6.30pm but we aim to congregate at 6pm. More details nearer the time. Please note the change of venue.


Thank you all for your patience whilst building works have been taking place. I hope that we are nearly at the finish line! You will see that the playtrail has been removed ready for 2 new junior multi purpose wooden goals to be installed this term. The playtrail will  be redesigned and rebuilt in the area where the old classroom stood in due course this term.

The grassy area outside the new classroom has been re-turfed. Please continue to use the paths around the school site to allow the grass to recover.


PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS –. A letter regarding parent/teacher interviews will come home nearer the time for parents to select an appointment. Dates are: Tuesday 28th February 4.30-7pm and Wednesday 1st March 4-6pm. Of course, if you have a concern or problem, please do not wait until February – the class teachers are always happy to discuss any concerns you may have.

KS1 SHARING ASSEMBLIES - Class assemblies for parents to come and watch will be: Class 1 (Churchwell class) on Tuesday 7th February at 3pm and Class 2 (Underdown Hollow) on Thursday 23rd February  at 3pm.

CROSS COUNTRY - The area cross country will be Wednesday March 1st at the Gryphon School and usually starts at 4pm. Details to follow nearer the time.

STORIES BY FAIRY LIGHTS – We will be running this very popular event again on Friday 10th March from 6pm-7pm to celebrate world book day. Children are invited to come back to school dressed in their pyjamas and dressing gowns, to listen to stories read by adults from the school community. This is a lovely event which will have a minimal cost to cover hot chocolate and biscuits. If you would like to read a story this year, please let myself or Mrs Middleton know and we’ll book you in!

RED NOSE DAY – Red Nose Day will be held on the 24th March. The school council will decide in due course how we will raise money for this!

SCHOOL NURSE – The next school nurse drop in session is March 29th at 3.30pm in the staffroom.

HOOKE COURT – Year 5 are off to Hooke Court on May 3rd-5th inclusive. This trip, organised and run by Mr Harpham is a short residential cluster trip. Our children relish the opportunity to stay away from home and make friends or reinforce friendships with their peers from the small schools’ cluster.

SPIRITUALITY DAY – Our next spirituality day will be held on 5th April and the theme will be Easter.

EASTER SERVICE – We are planning to hold our Easter service on the 7th April at 2.30pm in the church – all welcome. School will end when the service has finished.

HALF TERM - 13th February – 17th February inclusive. INSET DAY: 17th March.

I will of course, send home further details on all of these events nearer the time. Please continue to check your child’s book bag daily for letters. Our Facebook page is very successful and is a very good way of sharing information quickly so please like us. Newsletters will come home around the 20th of each month and will be posted on our website as well as being displayed in the foyer by the office.  Some of the letters home will also be posted on our website under ‘information’.

I very much look forward to working with you and all the children again this term!

Kindest regards,

